Today we have taken the difficult decision to close our office in Hay-on-Wye to all visitors.
Some of us will be continuing to work from home, but in the interests of everyone’s health the office will not be open until further notice.
There will also be practical limits on what work we can do during this time, especially anything that requires us to physically process your data. We do have a drop off system in place for clients to leave their paperwork, but if the lockdown gets tighter as in other affected countries this will not be something we can continue.
Please be patient with us in the meantime, we will do all we can to serve our clients’ interests as best we can.
If you need to contact us, please use the following methods:
Email us on or direct to individual email accounts if you have them
Call us on 01497 821156. This will be diverted to a mobile phone for the moment, so we may need to take a message and get back to you
Check our website, or facebook page (search for us by name) for ongoing updates on information issued by the government
We thank you for your understanding in this challenging time, and look forward to seeing you all once things get back to normal.
Please take care of yourselves and each other
David M Jones & Partners